Rating: 0

Zerochain Last entrance 5 days ago

Location: Austria, Baden bei Wien Ping: 124 ms
Last session time: 12 minutes
Points received for the session: 137








575 hours

Game time

Enemy Killed
Total Bosses 4,861
Smoker 591
Boomer 876
Hunter 819
Spitter 910
Jockey 798
Charger 784
Tank 39
Witch 44
Infected 50,507
Use defibrillator 198
Revived teammates 5,520
Treated himself 159
Treated others 57
Adrenaline used 2,192
Pills used 1,623
Gave adrenaline 198
Gave pills 210
Completed campaigns 89
Saved gnomes 18
Saved cola 14
Found prizes 87
Witch harasser 398
Headshots 5,570 (10.06 %)
Shots 358,891
Melee killed 17,789
Found money 12,405 $

Start ... (Level 1)
Score 5,000 points. To raise the icon level, Score 250,000 points

Frequent (Level 2)
20 days on the server. To raise the icon level, spend 30 days on the server

Fighter Infection (Level 1)
Kill 25,000 Infected. To raise the icon level, Kill 50,000 Infected

Sniper (Level 1)
Make 5,000 kills in head. To raise the icon level, Make 12,000 kills in head

Without weapons
Kill 10,000 enemies with melee weapons

Trusted friend
Help get up 1,200 players

Relive 150 players

Total received 7 / 21 achievements.
Level of all achievements 9. Maximum level 32.

Level progress